When it comes to recruitment in management consulting or marketing firms, case study interview questions are often used to assess your problem-solving and logical thinking abilities.
These questions can vary depending on the field, but the ultimate goal is to determine whether you are a good fit for the job and the organization.
In this article, we’ll explore what to expect during a case study interview and how to successfully answer such questions.
Understanding Case Interviews: What They Are and What They Require
Case Study Interview Questions: What to Expect
Case interviews are a unique type of interview that requires more preparation than other types of interviews.
In this type of interview, the interviewer may only provide you with part of the information needed to solve a business case, forcing you to analyze and come up with a solution based on limited resources.
The main goals of a case interview are to determine –
- How well you can identify information needed to analyze a case.
- How you set the components needed for solving the case, and finally.
- The way you organize your thoughts and the quality of the solution you provide.
Preparing for a Case Study Interview
To prepare for a case study interview, it’s important to understand the types of questions you might face and how to answer them effectively.
Case interview questions typically require interactive problem-solving, where you’ll exchange ideas with the interviewer. During the interview, you’ll be supplied with materials like paper, a whiteboard, a writing utensil, and a calculator to help you solve the questions.
Case Interview Examples: Types of Questions
Case interview questions can be categorized into a few types: estimation, brain teaser/puzzles, interpretation, and theoretical problem.
- Estimation questions require an estimate based on statistical or other data.
- Brain teaser/puzzle questions require an answer using logic.
- Interpretation questions require arriving at an answer based on data from graphs and charts.
- Theoretical problem questions require finding a solution to a typical business problem.
Examples of Case Interview Questions
Here are some examples of case interview questions:
1.) Handling a Subordinate’s Performance Decline – There has been a visible decline in the performance of a subordinate. How would you handle it?
2.) Pharmacy Chain Strategy – Your client is a major pharmacy chain. Every year they make more sales and every year, they lose more money. They are considering closing more and more pharmacies. Should they implement this strategy?
3.) Consulting a Company Management – You are consulting the company management. The company is facing a complicated project that would increase the company’s bottom line extensively. Given a specific set of information, you are required to take the project to the proper direction.
4.) Competing with a New Technology – You are consulting a small firm that sells a quality and well-reputed product. A large competitor starts selling a similar product incorporating the newest technology. What should they do?
5.) Expanding to a New Market – You are consulting a company whose major business is in Western Europe. They are considering an expansion into China. What is your advice?
6.) Product Change Decision – The company is facing a situation in which there is a need for a product change – dropping it or selling to a completely different market. You are required to solve the case.
7.) Shoe Store Chain’s Sales Decline – You are consulting one of the largest shoe store chains in the country. Their sales are starting to shrink, and they are considering selling fast food in the store’s locations. What would you recommend?
How to Answer Case Interview Questions: Tips and Strategies
When answering case interview questions, it’s crucial to clarify information and question the interviewer.
- Taking notes and gathering all the details is also important to fully understand the question and clear up any confusion.
- Don’t worry about asking questions as this will show that you are careful enough to work with the correct information.
- As you work through the complex problem, feel free to continue to ask questions if they arise.
- These interview questions may take up to 40 minutes to answer, and you can expect to meet with several individuals during the interview process, facing several different questions.
- It’s important to pace yourself so that you don’t rush through and overlook important aspects of the problem.
- Showing an intelligent, thoughtful approach rather than a “barrel ahead” or overly careful, fearful, and tedious approach is crucial.
- It’s also important to show confidence without recklessness. If you see an innovative approach to solving a problem, go ahead and show it! Consulting firms want out-of-the-box thinkers as well as well-rounded individuals.
Breaking Down Case Interview Answers: How to Approach Them
When answering case interview questions, it can be helpful to divide your answer into five parts:
1. Defining the Problem
Describe the problem in the workplace. What is involved in making it a problem?
This step helps to ensure that you understand the situation and can clearly articulate what the problem is.
2. Analyzing the Problem
Tell about how you collected information for analyzing data: the process you utilized for extracting maximum information from the facts.
In this step, you analyze the problem by gathering relevant data and information to help you identify the root cause of the problem.
3. Generating Possible Solutions
Explain the factors you took for making a decision: how did you get to the root cause of the problem?
How did you identify the likely causes of the problem?
How did you generate a number of possible solutions?
In this step, you come up with multiple solutions to the problem you have identified.
4. Selecting the Best Solution(s) and Course of Actions
Describe the actions you took: why did you choose these actions? What were the results you expected to achieve?
Describe how you organized ideas into a process flow and common theme and the way you monitor the result.
Don’t forget the risk management factors. In this step, you choose the best solution or course of action to solve the problem and explain why you chose it.
5. Lessons Learned
What did you get? What was going right? What do you learn from that experience?
In this final step, you reflect on the experience and identify what you learned from it.
This helps you to improve your problem-solving skills for future case interview questions.
The Importance of Management Consulting
Management consulting firms help other businesses maximize their potential, and for this reason, they must ensure their employees are innovative yet structured solution-seekers.
Recruiters desire professionals who have excellent analytical and business skills, can take on challenges, can solve problems, and possess good communication and presentation skills.
Case study interview questions can be challenging, but with the right preparation, you can succeed in answering them effectively.
Remember to ask questions, take notes, and show your thought process when working through the problem.
By doing so, you’ll demonstrate your problem-solving and logical thinking abilities, which are crucial for success in management consulting firms.