A bank teller is a most important representative of the bank, being the first person most customers meet. Good communication skills, patience, professionalism with a touch of warmth are as crucial as the required familiarity with basic mathematics.
The questions during a bank teller interview will basically be based around these aspects.
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More specifically, as the bank teller job profile is similar to the customer-service job profile, refer to –
- Customer service interview questions and answers for further information.
Bank Teller
Job Interview Questions and Answers
The bank teller job interview will try to gauge your customer skills.
Here are some typical questions:
1. What are some of the aspects that you like about the job?
This question is aimed at knowing your comfort and satisfaction levels with the job.
Answer: briefly outline your favorite aspects of the job; perhaps share an incident, in abbreviated fashion. Sound sincere – if you overdo it, the interviewer will get the impression that you are appeasing him or her for the job.
2. What are some of the aspects that you do not like about the job?
Answer: Use the sandwich method. Although you must answer the question, no need to get enthusiastic about what you do not like. Rather start with something positive, related to your issue if possible, and close on an upbeat note. Be factual, but brief when describing your dislikes. If appropriate, express the idea that it is relatively minor and just part of life. In short, try to be as positive as possible about the aspects that you are not comfortable with when answering this question.
3. What does the bank gain by hiring you?
Here the interviewer would like to hear about your talents and whether you know what is required of you as a bank teller.
Answer: Speak about the positive attributes you have. Use terms such as loyal, scrupulous, detail, oriented, professional, discreet, etc. Mention as well, your familiarity with calculators, computers, tracking figures, and ability to perform basic mathematical computations, all skills that are quite important for one to excel in the role of bank teller.
These are just some of the questions that the interviewer may ask you while on the interview as the bank teller.
A tip for the bank tellers jobs seekers
The interview is your opportunity to convince the bank that you are a reliable employee who will not break their trust, and possess a judgment skill that will enable you to handle clients properly. If successful, you will be seriously considered for the job.
Use the interview to present any anecdotes from previous job-related experiences that demonstrate your skills and character in a positive light. If done well, you will surely be a tough contender to others who have been interviewed for the banking teller job.
Remember: A prepared applicant has the greatest chances of being the successful applicant!
Wishing you success!
Banking Job Interviews