Receiving an interview invitation can be an exciting time, but it’s crucial to prepare thoroughly to maximize your chances of success.
To ace your job interview, you should have a good understanding of job interview dos and don’ts.
This article will explore what’s good and bad for interviews, offering tips for a successful interview outcome – the Dos and Don’ts Checklist.
Job Interview Do’s
To have a successful interview, you must do the following:
- Research the company: It’s crucial to know what type of interview you can expect and prepare yourself accordingly.
- Know the location of the interview: Take time to locate the venue and plan your travel route.
- Dress appropriately: It’s advisable to dress in business attire, even for casual interviews.
- Arrive early: Arriving late for the interview can ruin your chances of success, so aim to arrive at least ten to fifteen minutes early.
- Make a good first impression: Greet everyone respectfully, including the receptionist and interviewer.
- Bring extra resumes: It’s a good idea to carry copies of your resume and letters of recommendation.
- Address the interviewer correctly: Use the appropriate title, such as Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms.
- Wait to be seated: Stand straight, maintain good body language, and wait for the interviewer to offer you a seat.
- Maintain eye contact: Make good eye contact with the interviewer.
- Have a firm handshake: A firm handshake conveys confidence.
- Show enthusiasm: Demonstrate your energy and interest in the role.
- Emphasize your achievements and skills: Highlight your accomplishments and skills relevant to the job.
- Evaluate the interviewer: Take a few minutes to evaluate the interviewer as it can provide you with valuable insights.
- Demonstrate what you can offer: Showcase how your skills and abilities can benefit the company.
- Ask intelligent questions: Asking insightful questions about the job and company demonstrates your interest and enthusiasm.
- Take notes: Taking notes during the interview shows that you are attentive and interested.
- Be honest: It’s better to be honest than to stretch the truth and get caught later.
Essential Interview Don’ts: Tips for a Successful Outcome
When attending an interview, it is vital to make a good impression.
However, it is equally important to be aware of what not to do. We will look at some interview don’ts that you should avoid increasing your chances of a successful outcome.
- Not reading the Job description: Understanding the job description is essential to ensure that you have the required skill set to perform the job duties.
- Not Rehearsing the Interview: Rehearsing the interview questions is essential to ensure that you can answer the questions with confidence. Knowing the frequently asked questions during the interview is vital to presenting yourself as someone who has done their homework.
- Not Dressing the Part: Dressing appropriately is crucial as it portrays your professionalism. Wearing comfortable formals, being clean shaven, and presentable will help you make the best first impression.
- Not Creating Positive Impression: Make sure to greet everyone in the office with the same respect as you would show to the interviewer. Greeting the receptionist or hospitality manager who introduces you to the company can create an impression.
- Speaking Negatively About Past Supervisors, Colleges, or Employers: One of the biggest mistakes people make during interviews is speaking negatively about their past supervisors, colleges, or employers. This can raise concerns about your work ethics and attitude, which could damage your chances of securing the job.
- Not Providing Explanatory Answers: Not Just Yes or No Responses: Providing brief answers during an interview is not advisable. Employers want to know why you responded in a particular way, and it is essential to give them a more detailed explanation. This demonstrates your communication skills and showcases your ability to articulate your thoughts effectively.
- Do Not Smoke or Chew Gum: Smoking before the interview or chewing gum during an interview can make you appear unprofessional. Ensure that you have fresh breath and avoid smoking before your interview. If you must smoke, ensure that you do it away from the interview location, and dispose of any cigarettes or gum before entering the building.
- Do Not Over Rehearse: Over-rehearsing can make you appear fake and unnatural. The interviewer will be able to differentiate between those who are valuable to the company and those who are not. Being yourself is the best way to showcase your true potential.
- Being Overconfident: Confidence is a good trait to have, but being overly confident can come across as obnoxious, and this may cause you to lose the job even before you secure it. Therefore, it is essential to avoid appearing like an obnoxious person who thinks they can breeze through the job interview and secure the job without much effort.
- Not Speak with Confidence and Authority: It is important to speak confidently during an interview. Speaking quietly can create an impression that you lack confidence or are unsure of your abilities. Ensure that you speak with authority, which will help you come across as competent and confident.
- Speaking about Personal Topics: While it may be tempting to talk about personal issues during an interview, it is essential to steer clear of this topic. Speaking about personal problems or family issues may distract the interviewer and damage your chances of securing the job.
- Not Turning Off Your Cell Phone and Pager: Leaving your cell phone or pager on during an interview is unacceptable. It shows a lack of respect and can be distracting. Ensure that you turn them off before entering the interview room and avoid responding to any calls or messages during the interview.
- Do Not Attempt to Tell Jokes: Humor is subjective, and not everyone will appreciate your jokes. Telling jokes during an interview may make you appear unprofessional or awkward. It is better to avoid this and focus on answering the interviewer’s questions effectively.