Now that you have decided to enroll in an online college (also known as distance college), it is vital for you to decide what type of online college you would like to apply for. Are you looking for an online college that is accredited by a regional agency or a national one? When it comes to online education, the accreditation the online college has and the degree it offers is very important.
The value of a degree earned through an online college is determined only by the accreditation it provides. The online college accreditation is the first factor when it comes to deciding whether the degree is worthwhile or not.
The Definition of Online College Accreditation
For any college, be it online or campus based, being accredited means being approved by an official review board after the educational institution has met specific requirements.
Further Reading – College Accreditation ((FOR ME)
There two types of online college accreditations in the USA – Regional and National.
National Accreditation vs. Regional Accreditation
What are the regional and national accreditation bodies?
Regional Accreditation
In the USA, regional college accreditation is the highest accreditation a college can get. A degree from such a college is accepted automatically by universities and employers. In other words, with regional accreditation, the student can apply for an educational enhancement anywhere in the country.
There are six legitimate regional accreditation agencies based on geographic location. They are all recognized by both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the United States Department of Education (USDE) – the two governmental bodies that approve boards of accreditation.
The 6 regional accreditation agencies are:
1. New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
2. North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA)
3. Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (MSA)
4. Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges (NWASC)
5. Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SASC)
6. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
National Accreditation for Online Colleges
Many online colleges are accredited by DETC (the Distance Education Training Council).
It is called ‘national college accreditation’ because it is not based on geographic location and it is an alternative path of accreditation.
Although DETC accreditation is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the United States Department of Education (USDE), it still doesn’t provide the value and status of a regionally accredited one.
This is something one must be aware of before selecting a DETC accredited online college.
When it comes to advanced education degrees, a DETC degree is not always accepted by graduate schools (regionally accredited universities). In addition, some employers prefer candidates having degrees from regionally accredited schools only.
Further reading: DETC (FOR ME)
College Accreditation Search
The best way to find out about the accreditation of the online college or the university is to carry out your own research.
Log on to the United States Department of Education Database.
1. Career Prospects & Advanced Education
Depending on your career plan, you need to check whether the accreditation is honored by other educational institutions, and by potential employers you are targeting.
Remember, the accreditation is more important when the student wishes to enhance his or her education.
When it comes to jobs and professions, the accreditation matters only in the professions where educational requirement is very strict.
It would be wise to consult with other students who have previously studied in the college; it would be a good idea to contact them and find out whether the degree made any difference to them in their professional life.
2. No Accreditation
Accreditation becomes a real issue if you have opted for one of those fast online degrees, which are provided by content mills, and may cause trouble in your professional life.
3. Choice vs. No choice
A. Regional accreditation: As explained above, there are six regional accreditation agencies in the U.S. and each agency serves a specific area of the country.
If an online college wants to get its academic programs accredited by a regional agency, then it can only apply to the agency that serves its home state. It cannot apply to any other accreditation agency whatsoever.
However, each of the six accreditation agencies is recognized by the United States Department of Education and Council for Higher Education and Accreditation.
In this respect, online colleges have limited choice in choosing an accreditation agency.
B. National accreditation: National accreditation is not bound by the geography of an area. It accredits specific colleges or schools.
For instance, Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology reviews career colleges and technical programs. The Distance Education Training and Council evaluates colleges that offer distance education. Thus, schools and colleges apply to this accreditation agency when their course programs are different than the traditional programs.
Any academic school or college can apply for national accreditation; however, national accreditation compares and evaluates similar colleges together.
4. Faith based schools and colleges
A. Regional accreditation: Regional accreditation agencies do not evaluate faith based schools and colleges. If they do, they require the schools and colleges to make adjustments in their religious programs.
B. National accreditation: National accreditation agencies compare and evaluate faith based schools and colleges.
5. Transfer of credits
A. Regional accreditation: In many cases, regional accreditation agencies (or regionally accredited educational institutions) do not accept credits from nationally accredited colleges.
B. National accreditation: Nationally accredited schools and colleges accept credits/grades from other nationally or regionally accredited schools and colleges.
6. Cost structure
A. Regional accreditation: Regionally accredited schools and colleges are less expensive than their national counterparts.
B. National accreditation: Nationally accredited schools and colleges are more expensive; however, one can benefit by obtaining scholarships or financial aid.
* It is important to know
Academic schools, colleges and universities apply to accreditation agencies for getting themselves accredited and the choice of an accreditation agency is the sole prerogative of the institutions.