SharePoint administrators are in charge of the daily operations of corporate SharePoint platforms. They participate in large-scale projects with the information system manager.
Below is a sample of a job interview for SharePoint administrators with suggested answers.
Job Interview Questions and Answers
for SharePoint Administrators
Question: What are a SharePoint administrator’s typical daily interactions?
Answer: An administrator interacts both with company workers and external associates and clients. This requires professionalism and poise, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and customer oriented work ethics.
Question: Do you have experience with video hosting, FTP, and similar applications?
Answer: Administrators are often required to provide third-party web-based sessions and services, with communication between both clients and the company, which require technological competence, communication, and ability to coordinate other people’s activities.
Question: Have you done any training or instruction in the past in the capacity of administrator?
Answer: Besides training junior administrators, if there are any in the company, administrators instruct employees and anyone who owns company content how to use the internet. This can be done separately or as part of troubleshooting.
Question: What must the qualifications of a SharePoint administrator be to succeed at the job?
Answer: Time management and multi-tasking are crucial when working simultaneously with highly technical people and systems. Most people are usually good at analytical thinking only in relation to either technology or people. A SharePoint administrator must combine the two.
Question: Do you have any additional experience and/or education which might enhance your status as a candidate?
Answer: Mention any on-job training you might have done, as well as any skills you might have learned from past experiences – describe these in detail to make them concrete for the interviewer. If you have any database experience or web development expertise, or anything relevant of this sort, mention it too.
IT Job Interviews