If you happen to be one of those enthusiasts who wish to make a career in the medical field, prepare well for the selection process. In order to select the right candidate, each applicant is thoroughly scrutinized. The successful applicant needs to be impressive in personality, education and experience, and can thus secure the job.
Many different kinds of questions are thrown at an applicant but the most important one is the Statement of Purpose.
The question can be asked in different ways:
- Why you wish to become a nurse?
- Why have you chosen a career in the medical profession?
- Who you are and who inspires you?
- What is your career road map and where do you plan to go from here?
- What are your long term professional interests?
Why do you want to become a nurse?
There are different ways to respond regarding your motivation to become a nurse. Prepare by creating a list of the reasons that motivated you to select this profession, and try to elaborate on the best of them. For example:
Answer: “Because I love the work, caring for and working with people. Being a nurse is not an easy job. You need to be attentive; sensitive to people’s needs and have a drive to address their needs in an utmost concerned manner. It is one of those jobs, so appreciated by people, that require long working hours and often, one must overlook one’s needs and cater to patients.
I am a sensitive, hard-working individual; perhaps, that is the reason why I got selected and was able to perform exceptionally well at Cheshire homes (* Cheshire homes are old age homes).
Being there and having served elderly people has taught me to find positive value in life and giving generously of myself. I have also learned to stay calm and reassuring in emergency situations. I strongly feel that my skill sets and my experience will surely help me excel in this service oriented job.”
Reasons that make my answer stand out in front of the rest:
- If you look at the first paragraph of my answer, you will realize that I have been able to highlight the fact that I know the job profile and I do not have any false perceptions about it. By using words such as ‘Attentive’, ‘Sensitive’, ‘Appreciated’ and ‘long hours’ I have been able to let the interviewer know that I am well informed about the job and have absolutely no hang ups.
- The second paragraph validates my interest and states my experience in similar job profiles.
- The third paragraph is an amalgamation of the two paragraphs and it showcases profile-Candidate match mix. By mentioning ‘service oriented job’, I have further emphasized that I consider the job as not a job but as an ongoing social service.
Nursing/Healthcare Job Interviews